Real world examples of Fantom usage.
SkySpark by SkyFoundry
Analytics Software for a World of Smart Devices
Server side analytics software for the building automation and energy management industry.
Written in Fantom.
Alpha Colony by Fantom Factory
Serious eLearning in a fun environment
An award winning eLearning platform for SkySpark and Project Haystack training.
Written in Fantom.
StackHub by Steve Eynon
Package Management for the Haystack Community
A repository and eCommerce site for SkySpark and Project Haystack.
Written in Fantom.
FinStack by J2 Innovations
Next generation Building Automation System
A BAS framework that is easy to configure, mobile ready, and cost effective.
Written in Fantom.
InferStack by Infergence
A platform to connect, control, analyze, and manage Buildings and Equipment for the Internet of Things.
Written in Fantom.
From up-to-date tap lists, to the latest specials, Trinkin helps you find that perfect spot, or that hard to find beer.
Written in Fantom.
Public Domain
Escape the Mainframe by Steve Eynon
A game featuring Fanny the Fantom!
A simple jump and duck game to test your reflexes. Rendered in stunning retro 3D vector graphics.
Written in Fantom.
F4 Fantom IDE by Xored Software, Inc.
Eclipse based IDE for Fantom
F4 is a fully featured, eclipse based, IDE for Fantom.
Written in Fantom.
Studs by Andy Frank
A Fantom framework for creating rock solid embedded IoT applications
A turn-key framework for working with embedded systems. (Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, etc...)
Written in Fantom.
Eggbox Pod Repository by Steve Eynon
Fantom Pod Repository
An open source web application that lets you upload and distribute your Fantom libraries.
Written in Fantom, using libraries on Eggbox!
Gundam Game by Steve Eynon
A Horizontally Scrolling Shoot'em'Up Game
A foray into bullet hell!
Written in Fantom, the same code base runs in a browser (as pure Javascript) and as a JVM desktop application!
Explorer by Steve Eynon
An open source desktop system file explorer, browser, and Fandoc API viewer / editor.
Written in Fantom.
Popular Libraries
BedSheet - A platform & IoC container for the routing and delivery of content over HTTPby Steve Eynon
BrainF*ck - A BrainF*ck interpreter written in Fantomby Fernando Raya
Fancordion - Automated acceptance testing; similar to Cucumber but focuses more on readability and presentationby Steve Eynon
Fantom Pod Manager - Provides a targeted environment for compiling, testing, and running Fantom applicationsby Steve Eynon
IoC - A fast, lightweight, and highly customisable dependency injection frameworkby Steve Eynon
Json - A JSON to Fantom object mapping libraryby Steve Eynon
Mongo - A pure Fantom driver and mapping library for MongoDBby Steve Eynon
Mustache - A logic-free template engineby Xored Software, Inc.
Slim - A concise and lightweight templating language for generating HTMLby Steve Eynon